Quarter Back Blitz Football Game

Available Booking Options
Setup Area: 18' x 16' x 17'
Actual Size: 16' x 14' x 16'
Outlets: 1 Outlet Required
Age Group: 5 & Up
Calling All Quarterbacks!
Limber up that throwing arm! Quarterback Blitz keeps the pigskin flying! Two players compete to keep the footballs OUT of their field. Successfully throwing the ball through the target on Quarterback Blitz backboard puts the ball into your opponents 'field'. Meanwhile your opponent is trying to load your football return area with as many footballs as he can! Great for a casual, friendly toss or timed competition.
- Footballs are included with our QB Blitz rental
- This item is great for school events, churches, corporate or residential
- On time guaranteed delivery
- This game is great for ages 5 & up, but adults love it as well
- Cancel anytime before your event for a full refund of your deposit if bad weather is predicted